Artikel archief

28-07-2019 19:09
Она взяла тетрадь и нарисовала в ней дом, собак и итальянца мужа. По рисунку не было видно, что он был итальянец, но она это знала. Знала, потому что была ведьмой. У нее было два глаза, один большой и продолговатый, другой поменьше, спрятанный под надбровной костью. Она всегда знала, что была...
12-03-2019 10:48
Otto was a little wild running Novice Fast for his third leg this morning but didn’t qualify. This afternoon his Novice JWW run was where he really became a wild and crazy guy. That said, he always came back and did complete the course so I am still pleased with his performance...just too many...
12-03-2019 10:43
Otto earned his ACT2 agility title today thanks to the Dig Training Club of St Pete! Thanks judges Loni and Joanne for your support and all the hardworking volunteers who made it happen! Otto, Ocra and Dusk are all entered in the March trial in Palmetto and will be one busy girl for two days! I...
13-08-2017 19:15
Showing the Cirnechi in Ballston Spa New York this week. This circuit has some big handlers duking it out for the top wins. Karen Clements and I brought 5 Cirnechi to show to build a major along with Deb/Kate with Tux.  Thursday was our first day of showing with Dukati going Winners Dog and...
21-06-2017 16:34
Otto actually passed his Canine Good Citizen test. He now has the title CGC after his name. And if you've ever met him, you would know how hard this was. I'm proud. This was The first title for Otto i will always be proudest of and gave me the courage to keep training and he hasn't disappointed...
09-05-2017 07:43
Otto won 1st Place in our first Rally Novice trial. Truth be told it is MY first trial ever so i couldn't be prouder of my little big man. Back to the club for another trial this afternoon to try to get our 2nd qualifying score. It takes three loves to achieve a Rally Novice title so we'll have the...
01-05-2017 21:07
Lente in het bos.
17-04-2017 09:34
I am having such a good time training with my Cirnechi. They are all game for whatever I ask of them...even baby Rosie. She's really not the baby in age, but she acts like it. She's not as tough as Ocra and Otto, but as long as I keep it totally fun, she will try with her adorable self. I just...
03-04-2017 20:00
Wish I could block the picture of me but guess I'm old enough that I can show myself at my worst. LOL. Otto and Ocra being released for lure coursing at the Grand Oaks with the terrific SSRRC members and friends. Really nice group of peiple. Otto in pink and Ocra in yellow. Love Ocra's tight double...
02-03-2017 10:15
  Gisteren tijdens onze routineuze wandeling met de honden in het bos zagen we een opgejaagd konijn uit de struiken komen. De blije honden joegen hem alle drie achterna. Mijn man en ik stonden juist op het kruispunt van twee grote paden. “Wauw hij loopt recht naar ons!”, riep mijn man....
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