Artikel archief

02-11-2016 09:27
Soms heb ik geen tijd om iets voor mijn blog te schrijven. Dan post ik een foto maar!
25-10-2016 08:37
Otto won Best of Breed today for his first AKC point towards his Field Championship. Nice ribbons from this club! I'M FINALLY HOME!! I think the dogs are more excited than I am...especially Dusk. He hasn't stopped running around the yard and jumping on the furniture for the last 20 minutes. I...
22-09-2016 10:34
Wow what a week it has been at our Cirneco National Specialty. The facility was terrific with plenty of room to take our dogs running in big fields without other dogs on 30 ft leads. We were the only ones that walked in the back fields so we always had it all to ourselves. It sure made life...
17-09-2016 08:43
Otto and ocra won this swag this morning and now have Junior Coursing titles. Otto now has two titles CGC and JC after his name. And in usual Otto form, he slipped out of his lead 3 times running around like a crazy dog. The third time he got loose before starting he took a dump. Finally...
14-09-2016 15:44
  Single bed in rv with 2 Cirnechi and 1 Saluki. I actually have to figure out how to fit in there somewhere so I can sleep. The 2 Ridgebacks and 1 more Cirneco take up the whole full bed in the back. Just don't have the heart to make them sleep in crates at night. Trying to keep some normal...
07-09-2016 14:21
It's been a year since I travelled on my wonderful trip to Belgium to bring back these two munchkins. I had no much Otto and Ocra would change my life. They both REQUIRE alot of activity and without many acres to run and hunt, we found other outlets for them like agility, obedience, barn...
06-09-2016 09:12
Otto actually passed his Canine Good Citizen test. He now has the title CGC after his name. And if you've ever met him, you would know how hard this was. I'm proud.  I have never trained for competition obedience but have decided I am going to try with Otto...and he is probably the most...
30-08-2016 00:00
Wat we meegemaakt hebben op de Europa dog show valt niet te beschrijven! Gelukkig hebben mijn lieve vrienden de opnames van ons (en ons rivaal uiteraard) gemaakt. De opnames nemen was niet gepland, gewoonlijk neem ik, of mijn man, wat foto's. Door de samenloop van de omstandigheden kon mijn man...
27-08-2016 18:41 Zonder commentaar (Can you believe it?!)
22-08-2016 21:18
Took the 4 Cirnechi to Barn Hunt Practice yesterday. Turns out Florida has alot of people involved in the sport and it really is alot of fun and not exclusionary for any dog. The titles are recognized by AKC too! Best of both worlds like agility! I decided Rosie needed the most help since I could...
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