Ocra is not acute but definitely doesn't feel good...

05-05-2016 09:06

...Unfortunately Ocra has had a setback. She isn't bad but def not as good as yesterday. She's not even wanting to hunt Geckos. Poor baby. Just trying to keep her from getting too sick. We caught it early but it obviously has to run its time course. No eating since before we went to the vet. She hasn't been right since yesterday afternoon.

Now I have another problem with Judah and his thunderstorm phobia. Bad storm right now so I can't leave him...he is on the other side of the house. The puppies will just have to rest until this passes...

... Rosie is so excited that I'm in the bedroom with the non Parvo side of the house. She got up in the bay window above the bed and was reaching down to pet my head. She uses her feet like a monkey and pets me. Rosie is so stinkin cute even if I've lost 2 pairs of sandals I left on the floor in the bedroom where they are staying when not outside. This has been hard in everyone...

...Prayers now for Ocra. Have vet appt at 10:20. Even though no vomiting or diahrrea, she is getting more lethargic and gums pale. She's been getting a syring of water every 30 minutes but not working. Just have to stay on top of this...

... Ocra dehydrated but temp normal and nothing else alarming. Getting supportive therapy and then home to rest again. And she didn't even snarl or need to be muzzled at this vet. I love the vet tech...she is amazing. She just makes Ocra feel safe and takes charge...so does the vet. She just stood there like a champ through the exam. So proud. Ocra is so smart she knows who she can get away with bad behavior with...