It is not a PARVO, it is an infection!

01-05-2016 10:10

...Otto is not completely out of the woods yet but the prognosis is good. His temp is now normal again. He's still very sore and lame but we don't know from what so we're treating him with antibiotics assuming it is an infection. There is nothing to culture or test at the moment unless he presents himself with swelling.

They sent me home with IV fluids to administer at home instead of emergency vet to help cut down the cost. I have to administer penicillin shots twice a day and put B12 into the IV solution. Now we just have to wait and see how he does and we'll have him back at the vet Monday morning....

...The vet forgot to send syringes home with me to flush the catheter for Otto's IV. Jeez.

So I call the closest emergency clinic to see if they can help me and they put me on the phone with a 20 yr vet Tech who does house calls for......ONLY $25!!

They DID NOT want me coming in and contaminating the environment with Parvo. I've never known of a home vet tech service like this but how great for me now!

Downside she is on a shift until midnight so will be late getting him on fluids...


...Wow...this vet tech was wonderful. She administered the Penicillin shot, checked the IVs for $30. She'll come back tomorrow at 1PM to administer another shot and check the IV catheter. I'm thrilled to know about this service. She said she does alot of home care for big dogs, including laser therapy...

...And here's the best news! My holistic vet gave me Fast Track for a probiotic and Otto actually LICKED IT OFF MY FINGERS!! It's the first time since Wednesday he has wanted anything solid or liquid. His limping has also disappeared. Whether it was the Penicillin for an infection or Panacur for the Whip worms that caused this turnaround, I am just happy it is finally happening. He is even wagging his tail!!

What I am most proud of through all of this is how sweet Otto has been to everyone, even when they are poking him with needles. He is still not himself but I finally see improvement. This vet tech is, literally, saving me hundreds of dollars so he can continue on IV therapy

Now maybe I can get a few hours sleep. Thank you everyone for so much. It is amazing how our FB friends help us through the most difficult times. I wish I had been on FB in 2010 when I went through that year of hell on chemo. You all would have been a great support system...