Agility with cirneco
I am so excited! Gloria Fay and I started our first agility class with Rosie and Ocra. The girls had fun, but I'm the one who had the most fun! I've really missed agility training. Allie and Judah always loved it and it is such a great team sport.I need to update my training comments about my Cirnechi. Once I started using a clicker or a serious marker word, they are now loving to learn! The first time I teach a behavior, I have to only introduce it so they don't get too bored or confused. Then the next time I work on that behavior, they have it down pat!! Then I only have them do it a couple of times before moving on to something else. I was overdoing the initial training of a behavior. It wasn't was ME!!! Isn't that always the truth? Luckily Ocra and Otto are extremely food motivated, but Rosie and Gibbs are more motivated by excitement and fun. I am so loving all the training challenges again. It has been tooooo long.